#1 – jump at the chance/opportunity
This expression means to accept an opportunity quickly because you are excited about it.
I love working with kids, so when I was offered a job at the elementary school, I jumped at the chance.
#2 – jumping for joy
If you are jumping for joy, it means you are extremely happy.
The players were jumping for joy when their team won the championship.
#3 – jump the gun
This means to do something too early, before the correct time.
The article wasn’t ready yet, but Tom jumped the gun and sent it to the publisher.
#4 – jump to conclusions
If you jump to conclusions, it means you decide very fast that something is true before you have all the facts.
Just because your boyfriend is being quiet doesn’t mean he’s mad at you. Don’t jump to conclusions.
#5 – jump ship
If someone jumps ship, it means he or she abandons a job or project that is difficult or seems to be failing.
The company was already struggling, but things got even worse when its Sales Director jumped ship.
#6 – jump-start
This expression literally refers to when a car’s battery is dead and you can jump-start it (give it power suddenly) by connecting it to another car’s battery. But it can also be used for any situation where a sudden surge of power is given to begin things.
The candidate held a rally to jump-start his presidential campaign.
#7 – jump through hoops
If you have to jump through hoops, it means you need to do a lot of things (sometimes things that seem like unnecessary obstacles) in order to get something done.
There’s so much bureaucracy that she had to jump through a lot of hoops in order to get a work visa.
#8 – jump down someone’s throat
To jump down someone’s throat means to speak angrily to them, strongly criticize or reprimand them (especially in reaction to something they said or did).
All I did was say I’d be a little late for dinner, and she jumped down my throat!
#9 – get a jump on
If you get a jump on something, it means you start a project or process early in order to have an advantage or get it done earlier.
I’ve already got this week’s lessons done, so now I’m getting a jump on preparing next week’s lessons.
#10 – jump in
To jump in can mean quickly enter an activity that’s already in progress. It can also be used for entering/interrupting a conversation in progress.
There was a bunch of guys playing poker at the bar, and we jumped in.
I was in the middle of explaining the situation when my manager jumped in and said she had never approved the project.