Hi students, happy new year! Let’s learn 10 English phrases using the word NEW.
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1. good as new
Our first phrase is “good as new.” We say this after we have fixed or repaired something, and now it works well or looks good, almost like the object was new. For example, I bought an old chair, fixed it up and painted it, and now it’s as good as new.
2. see something in a new light
Next we have “see something in a new light” – this means to see it in a different way or from a new perspective. For example, maybe you had a negative opinion about a certain country, but after you visited it, you saw things in a new light, and realized it wasn’t as bad as it seems from the media.
3. What’s new?
Our third expression is “What’s new?” – this is a casual greeting we use to ask someone what’s been happening in their life recently. If I haven’t seen my cousin in some time, I might ask her, “Hey Jenni, what’s new?”
4. it’s a whole new ball game
Next is the phrase “it’s a whole new ball game” – this means that something is completely different from the past or from what you were used to or expecting. For example, “I’ve always enjoyed playing music, but pursuing a career as a professional musician is a whole new ballgame” – trying to play music as a job is quite different from just playing casually for fun.
5. I feel like a new man/woman/person
We can say “I feel like a new man/woman/person” when we feel refreshed and in a good mood. This is usually used when we were previously feeling tired, hurt, or stressed, but then we got some rest or time off or a nice hot shower, or something else that relaxes us and gives us energy. If I’ve been working outside in the hot sun all day and I’m dirty and sweaty, after having a nice bath I could say “I feel like a new woman!”
6. new pastures
The expression “new pastures” refers to a different job or place to live that offers new opportunities or experiences. For example, “He quit his job last week and he’s seeking new pastures” – a change in his work environment. Or “After living in New York City for many years, they’re heading off to new pastures” – a different place to live.
7. have a new lease on life
If your life was in danger, but you escape and get another chance, we can say you “have a new lease on life” – meaning a new chance for a healthy or successful life. Although it’s often used for escaping death, we can also say it for other types of fresh starts: “She has a new lease on life because for the first time after her divorce, she has a wonderful new boyfriend.”
8. the new kid on the block
The new kid on the block is the newest person in a place, group, or organization. For example, if I just started a new job, I can say, “All my coworkers have been at the company for years, and I’m the new kid on the block.”
9. turn over a new leaf
To turn over a new leaf means to change your behavior in a positive way, usually when someone previously had a bad attitude or bad behavior, and is now starting fresh and doing things differently. My son was failing all his classes, but now he’s turning over a new leaf and starting to take his studies more seriously.
10. the new normal
Finally we have “the new normal” – this describes a situation that used to be unusual, but is now commonly experienced. For a while during the height of the COVID pandemic, wearing a mask in public was the new normal – it’s something we didn’t used to do, but it became common practice.
Hope you enjoyed these 10 “new” phrases! Can you use some of them in your own sentences?
Remember to download your free 500 phrases e-book, so that you can learn a lot more.