Native English speakers often use slang in informal conversations – especially with friends. You’ll also hear a lot of slang words in TV shows and movies. How can you learn all these expressions as an English learner?
Well, one of the best things you can do is develop the ability to figure out (discover) the meaning of slang words from their context. Today’s lesson will help you practice – read the short conversations below, then guess the meaning of each slang word. After you’re done, click the blue “Get Results” button to check your answers.
Good luck!
Can you understand these English slang words?
Question 1 |
"No... the guy selling it just gave off a really weird vibe. I didn't feel like I could trust him."
vibe = __________
A | appearance |
B | energy |
C | smell |
Question 2 |
"Honestly, it was pretty lame. I expected better for a superhero movie."
lame = _____________
A | lacking action |
B | too short |
C | stupid and disappointing |
Question 3 |
"Not really. Just hung out with the fam."
fam = ____________
A | family |
B | friends |
C | pets |
Question 4 |
"Not sure... I think we're gonna bounce soon."
bounce = ____________
A | drink alcohol |
B | leave |
C | stop |
Question 5 |
"I really dig the color, but I'm not crazy about the style."
dig = ____________
A | hate |
B | like |
C | want |
Question 6 |
"Not exactly. We have sort of a friends with benefits thing going on."
friends with benefits = _______________
A | close friendship with a co-worker |
B | friends who lend each other money |
C | sexual relationship without dating or commitment |
Question 7 |
"Yeah, sure, I'll have one."
up for grabs = ____________
A | available for anyone to take |
B | getting cold |
C | for sale |
Question 8 |
"Wow. Is she always such a diva?"
diva = a person who __________
A | loves big celebrations |
B | has very expensive tastes |
C | wants an excessive amount of attention |
Question 9 |
"No way. I tried it once and felt like I was gonna puke."
puke = __________
A | pass gas |
B | sneeze |
C | vomit |
Question 10 |
"I know. People are saying she's a prude."
prude = a person who _______________
A | has no sense of style |
B | is excessively modest |
C | is too poor to afford nice things |
Learn Slang & Informal English easily!