Common English expressions with CATCH, HOLD, KEEP

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Common English expressions with CATCH

  • catch a cold / catch the flu = get sick
    Don’t get too close to me – you don’t want to catch a cold.
  • catch the last bus/train
    We got to the station just in time to catch the last train.
  • catch someone’s eye = attract someone’s attention
    That gorgeous blue necklace caught my eye.
  • catch a thief/criminal
    Police have not yet been able to catch the bank robbers.
  • catch fire = start to burn
    The curtains above the stove caught fire.
  • catch a fish
    We spent all morning on the riverbank, and only caught three fish.
  • catch a glimpse = get a quick look
    You can catch a glimpse of the ocean between the trees.
Common English expressions with CATCH, HOLD, KEEP Espresso English

I caught a fish!

Common English expressions with KEEP

  • keep a secret = not tell anyone about the secret
    I’ll tell you what I think, but only if you can keep a secret.
  • keep away / keep your distance = stay far away from something
    The tiger cubs are cute, but they’re still dangerous – you should keep your distance.
  • keep in touch = stay in contact with someone (also “stay in touch”)
    Have you kept in touch with any of your old teachers?
  • keep track of / keep tabs on = monitor, stay informed about
    I have so many projects I can’t even keep track of them all.
  • keep in mind = remember
    When making plans for the trip, keep in mind that we’ll have the kids with us.
  • keep it up / keep up the good work = continue doing something
    You’re making great progress. Keep it up!

Common English expressions with CATCH, HOLD, KEEP Espresso English

Common English expressions with HOLD

  • hold a meeting/event
    The conference will be held in Atlanta.
  • hold your tongue = decide NOT to say something
    I had some criticisms of the manager’s ideas, but I held my tongue.
  • hold your nose = pinch your nostrils together with your fingers, so that you can avoid smelling something bad
    We held our noses as we walked past the garbage cans.
  • be on hold = in a state of pause (especially on the telephone)
    I called the bank and they put me on hold for ten minutes.
  • hold someone responsible = consider that person responsible
    Since you’re the team leader, the boss will hold you responsible.
  • hold your ground = refuse to change your opinion/behavior (also “stand your ground”)
    I tried to talk him out of leaving his job, but he held his ground.
  • hold on tight = secure something firmly with your hands
    I held on tight to my purse as I pushed through the crowded street.
Common English expressions with CATCH, HOLD, KEEP Espresso English

holding hands

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Common English expressions with CATCH, HOLD, KEEP Espresso English

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