
Difference between ALONE, LONELY, and ONLY

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Alone means “by yourself” – there is nobody else with you:

  • I like to take long walks alone so that I have time to think.
  • He got up and left the restaurant, leaving me alone at the table.

Lonely means “feeling sad and isolated” – it is a negative emotion.

  • I was lonely on my first day of class because I didn’t have any friends.
  • She can’t stand being single; she says she feels lonely without a boyfriend.

Only means “just one” and can be used with people, objects, or actions. After the word only, we must have a person, object, or action.

  • Dana was the only student who understood today’s English lesson.
  • I have only one pair of sunglasses.
  • I didn’t have a lot of money, so I only bought this T-shirt.

Learn more: Lay, Lie, Laid, Lied, Lain

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