English Phrases for New Year’s Resolutions

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Lots of people make special plans and goals at this time of year, and we call these new year’s resolutions. In today’s lesson we’ll learn lots of different phrases for the most common new year’s resolutions.

It’s also a great time to set your English-learning goals. If you’re looking for a step-by-step program that will help you make real progress towards fluency all year long, come join the Complete Espresso English Program.

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All right, are you ready to learn some English phrases for the top 5 new year’s resolutions? Here we go.


Other ways to say this and talk about related goals are:

  • shed a few pounds (informal)
  • get in better shape (this means be in better physical condition)
  • get back in shape (if you used to be in good condition but not anymore)
  • work out more (work out = exercise)
  • Or, if you want to focus on your diet, you can say you want to eat healthier / eat less / eat more fruit and vegetables
  • cut down on junk food (cut down on = reduce, and junk food = unhealthy food)


Some related goals are:

  • manage my time better
  • stop procrastinating / stop putting things off
    (procrastinating / putting things off = delaying your tasks and responsibilities)
  • be more punctual
    (punctual = arrive on time for meetings, appointments, and social commitments)
  • stick to my schedule
    (stick to = follow, accompany closely)
  • have a better work-life balance


You can also say you want to:

  • save up for ________ (a new car, a house, a trip)
  • get out of debt / pay off debt
    (debt = money you owe and need to pay back)
  • pay off my student loans / pay off my mortgage
    (student loans = money you borrowed to pay for education)
    (mortgage = money you borrowed to pay for a house)
  • make a budget and stick to it
    (budget = specific plan for spending money in various areas)

QUIT SMOKING / DRINKING in the new year.

Some other ways to say it are:

  • kick the smoking habit
    (kick = stop doing, eliminate)
  • drink in moderation
    (in moderation = a reasonable amount, not too much)
  • lay off the alcohol
    (lay off = stop using/consuming so much)


Some goals in this area are:

  • improve my marriage
  • play with my kids more
  • reconnect with old friends
    (reconnect = contact again after some time without contact)
  • show my family how much I love them
  • be a better husband/wife/mother/father

If one of your New Year’s resolutions is to improve your English, you can do that easily inside my Espresso English Academy – it includes courses on speaking, vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation, and so much more. I hope to see you inside!

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