English vocabulary words for toiletries

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Do you know the English words for toiletries?

Wait – what are toiletries? Like – a toilet and a tree?

No – toiletries are things used for personal care, taking care of your hygiene and appearance. You probably already know words like shampoo for washing your hair, and toothbrush for cleaning your teeth – and today you’ll learn 20 more words for common toiletries.

When you expand your English vocabulary, then you can speak more fluently, without having to stop and think “oh, what was that word again?” or check Google translate all the time. You can improve really fast inside my vocabulary builder courses, because each one teaches you more than 1000 English words.

English vocabulary words for toiletries Espresso English

A big part of personal hygiene is making sure you smell nice – so we have deodorant to put in your armpits. Most deodorants are also antiperspirants, which means they also help stop you from sweating.

English vocabulary words for toiletries Espresso English

Then we have nice-smelling products we can spray onto ourselves – perfume for women and cologne for men.

English vocabulary words for toiletries Espresso English

If you want to take care of your skin, you can use lotion or moisturizer – this helps stop your skin from drying out. Some lotions also smell nice, but if you want one without any smell at all, then look for unscented lotion.

English vocabulary words for toiletries Espresso English

When the air is dry and cold, this can also give you chapped lips – when your lips are dry and peeling or cracking. To prevent this and protect your lips, use lip balm or some people call it chapstick which is a common brand.

English vocabulary words for toiletries Espresso English

To remove unwanted hair, you can use a razor. First, it’s a good idea to put on shaving cream so that your skin doesn’t get irritated.

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English vocabulary words for toiletries Espresso English

Another option is an electric clipper/shaver.

English vocabulary words for toiletries Espresso English

And if you have just a couple individual hairs to remove, you can use tweezers.

English vocabulary words for toiletries Espresso English

To cut your nails, use nail clippers and a nail file to smooth down any rough spots.

English vocabulary words for toiletries Espresso English

English vocabulary words for toiletries Espresso English

Women might use colorful nail polish.

English vocabulary words for toiletries Espresso English

To clean your ears, we have cotton swabs or some people call them Q-tips.

English vocabulary words for toiletries Espresso English

In addition to brushing your teeth, you should also use dental floss to clean between them. And mouthwash can clean out your whole mouth and prevent bad breath.

English vocabulary words for toiletries Espresso English

English vocabulary words for toiletries Espresso English

To keep your hair under control and keep it in place, you can use hair spray or hair gel.

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English vocabulary words for toiletries Espresso English

Women might use makeup – that’s the general word for the category of cosmetic products for your face. There are so many words in this category, but some of the main ones are foundation, lipstick, eyeshadow, blush, and mascara.

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English vocabulary words for toiletries Espresso English


English vocabulary words for toiletries Espresso English


English vocabulary words for toiletries Espresso English


English vocabulary words for toiletries Espresso English


Finally, another good thing to have in your toiletry bag is a pack of tissues.

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Now you know lots of words for toiletries in English! But there’s so much more to learn inside my vocabulary builder courses, which cover lots and lots of topics in daily life. And the courses include not only lessons, but also quizzes and short-answer exercises to help you practice.

Thanks for joining me for this vocabulary with pictures lesson. I’ll talk to you next time.

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