Learn 8 English words that can be pronounced two different ways – the meaning of these words change depending on their pronunciation!
pro–gress (noun) – movement towards a goal or end point
“I’ve been making a lot of progress in my English speaking skills.”
pro-gress (verb) – the action of moving towards a goal or end point
“Medical technology is progressing very quickly.”
“I heard you wrote a book!”“Actually, it’s a work in progress.”“Oh. Well, let me know when it’s published.”
re-cord (noun) – something that is put in writing (or another permanent form, such as audio, film or a computer database) to preserve the information
“Our records show that your order was shipped on January 13th.”
re-cord (verb) – the action of putting information in writing (or another permanent form) to preserve it
“Is it OK if I record today’s lecture? I’d like to listen to it again later.”
Slang: If someone says something “off the record,” it means it is not intended for publication.
“The president told the journalist that his statements were completely off the record.”
per-fect (adjective) – Complete, without errors, mistakes, or flaws
“She has perfect teeth.”
per-fect (verb) – To make something perfect or complete
“I’ve been studying English for a while, but I’d really like to perfect my pronunciation.”
export / import
ex-port (noun) – products or materials that are sent outside the country
“Coffee and soybeans are the country’s biggest exports.”
ex-port (verb) – the action of sending products or materials outside the country
“Twenty billion barrels of oil were exported in 2009.”
Note: The same applies for import and import.
pro-test (noun) – A group of people who are against or who disapprove of something
“There’s a huge protest happening in the city park – there must be 10,000 people there.”
pro-test (verb) – Taking organized action to disapprove of something
“The students protested when the teacher gave extra homework.”
re-bel (verb) – To use force to oppose a government or authority
“The people rebelled against the oppressive dictator.”
re-bel (noun) – A person who rebels.
“Fifteen rebels were killed in the battle.”
Note: “Rebel” is also used to describe a person who generally does things very differently from the established or generally accepted way: “My son’s a little bit of a rebel.”
per-mit (verb) – To let or allow
“Alcohol is not permitted inside the school.”
per-mit (noun) – Permission, usually in written or official form
“We need to get a building permit from the city before beginning construction.”
ob-ject (noun) – A thing, a physical item
“Babies often reach for shiny objects like earrings and necklaces.”
ob-ject (verb) – To be against, to express a disagreeing opinion
“I strongly object to the manager’s decision to cut employee benefits.”