![YouTube video](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/TbkkkyjDNzc/hqdefault.jpg)
Pronunciation & Shadowing Courses
Are you ready to practice your pronunciation with some longer words? The ones we’ll practice today all have 5 syllables – like the word vocabulary: vo-CA-bu-la-ry, with the stress on CA.
I’ll say each word twice – once a little more slowly with some separation between the syllables, and then once at normal speed, and I’d like you to repeat after me both times.
If you’re ready to improve your pronunciation FAST, come join my Pronunciation and Shadowing Courses. My pronunciation course will train you to pronounce all the sounds in the English language clearly and correctly, and then the shadowing course helps you practice saying whole phrases after me. There’s a discount when you join both courses together.
5-syllable words in English
e-lec-TRI-ci-ty: electricity
pe-di-a-TRI-cian: pediatrician
un-be-LIE-va-ble: unbelievable
dis-cri-mi-NA-tion: discrimination
in-di-VI-du-al: individual
in-TIM-i-da-ting: intimidating
glo-ba-li-ZA-tion: globalization
ge-ner-OS-i-ty: generosity
ac-ci-DEN-tal-ly: accidentally
in-sig-NIF-i-cant: insignificant
spon-tan-E-i-ty: spontaneity
con-TIN-u-ous-ly: continuously
ex-PLAN-a-to-ry: explanatory
tech-no-LOG-i-cal: technological
pre-LIM-i-na-ry: preliminary
dif-fer-EN-ti-ate: differentiate
phar-ma-CEU-ti-cal: pharmaceutical
en-tre-pre-NEUR-ship: entrepreneurship
re-pre-SEN-ta-tive: representative
so-PHIS-ti-ca-ted: sophisticated
If you’re not sure what some of those words meant, you can just look them up in the dictionary – the purpose of today’s lesson was just to learn how to pronounce them. I recommend doing this video one or two more times so you can practice more.
And remember, you can get lots more practice inside my pronunciation and shadowing courses, which are designed to help you speak English more clearly, confidently, and correctly.
More pronunciation practice: