#1 – She was born to… [dance].
Use the phrase “was born to” (often with athletic or artistic activities) to say that the activity is perfect for the person’s abilities and life purpose.
#2 – He’s a natural.
Use this phrase to say that a person has “natural ability” to do something well and doesn’t need much help or teaching.
#3 – She could do it in her sleep / with her eyes closed.
Use this phrase when someone is so good, so well-practiced at an activity that they can do it “automatically,” without using much thought or effort.
#4 – He knows it inside out.
He knows all the ins and outs.
Both of these expressions mean that a person has detailed, comprehensive knowledge of a particular topic, activity, or area.
#5 – She knows [PLACE] like the back of her hand.
If you know a place “like the back of your hand,” it means you know the place extremely well.
#6 – She’s a walking encyclopedia of [TOPIC].
Use this phrase to describe a person who knows a lot of facts about a topic. This is often used for academic areas of study (physics, theology, etc.)
#7 – He’s in a class of his own / He’s in a class by himself.
These phrases don’t mean that a person is alone in a classroom! Instead, they mean that the person is so good that no one can compare to him.
#8 – He’s the best in the business.
Use this phrase to describe a professional who is excellent at their job.
#9 – She’s quite gifted.
This phrase describes someone who is intelligent – especially a child whose intelligence is higher than average.
#10 – He’s a [math] whiz.
Describing a person as a “whiz” in a particular topic means the person is very good at that topic.