Regular Verbs vs. Irregular Verbs
Regular verbs are ones that end in -ED in the past tense and past participle:
- walk – walked – walked
- start – started – missed
- miss – missed – missed
Irregular verbs are ones that don’t follow these rules, for example:
- do – did – done
- eat – ate – eaten
- sing – sang – sung
How to form regular verbs
Simply add -ED to make the past tense form of the verb, as well as the past participle:
- Present tense: ask/asks
- I often ask questions in English class.
- Past tense: asked
- I asked lots of questions yesterday.
- Past participle: asked
- I’ve never asked about that topic.
For verbs that already end in -E, we simply add -D to form the past tense and past participle. These are also considered regular:
- Present tense: love/loves
- I love pizza
- Past tense: loved
- I loved to go camping when I was a kid.
- Past participle: loved
- I’ve always loved classical music.
Other regular verbs ending in -E: use, vote, chase, bake, hope, smile, care, exercise, like, rescue, tie, waste, and many more
For verbs that end in consonant-Y, we change the Y to I and then add -ED:
- Present tense: try / tries
- I try to exercise almost every day.
- Past tense: tried
- I tried to fix the TV, but it didn’t work.
- Past participle: tried
- I haven’t tried that new restaurant yet.
Other regular verbs ending in consonant-Y: cry, spy, hurry, copy, reply, carry, marry, dry, study, identify
Note: For verbs ending in vowel-Y, we just add -ED: played, stayed, enjoyed
For verbs that end in a consonant + vowel + consonant, we double the final consonant before adding -ED:
- Present tense: stop / stops
- I should stop staying up so late.
- Past tense: stopped
- We stopped to get gas before our road trip.
- Past participle: stopped
- I’ve recently stopped smoking.
Other regular verbs ending in consonant-vowel-consonant: grab, rub, sob, skid, beg, drag, hug, occur, prefer, stir, admit, commit, regret, submit, control
How to pronounce regular verbs
Many English learners make pronunciation mistakes with the -ED ending. There are 3 ways to pronounce it:
- Like T
- Like ED (with an extra syllable)
- Like D
Let’s do some English pronunciation practice with examples!

American English Pronunciation Course
-ED pronounced like T
After regular verbs ending with a K sound
- asked
- checked
- kicked
- liked
- looked
- talked
- thanked
- walked
- worked
After regular verbs ending with an S sound
- confessed
- crossed
- dressed
- embarrassed
- guessed
- impressed
- increased
- missed
- passed
- promised
Remember that C in English can also have an S sound:
- announced
- danced
- forced
- influenced
- introduced
- noticed
- reduced
After regular verbs ending with an SH sound
- brushed
- crashed
- punished
- pushed
- rushed
After regular verbs ending with a CH sound
- matched
- punched
- reached
- searched
After regular verbs ending with an F / X sound
- laughed
- fixed
- relaxed
-ED pronounced like ED (with extra syllable)
After regular verbs ending with a T sound
- accepted
- appreciated
- cheated
- connected
- excited
- interrupted
- invented
- rejected
- started
- waited
After regular verbs ending with a D sound
- avoided
- decided
- ended
- expanded
- guarded
- included
- needed
- pretended
- reminded
- succeeded
-ED pronounced like D
After ALL other regular verbs that don’t fit into the first two categories
ap / pear –> ap / peared
(no extra syllable)
ac / cept –> ac / cep / ted
(the ED adds an extra syllable)
After regular verbs ending with an R sound
- appeared
- compared
- considered
- entered
- remembered
After regular verbs ending with a V sound
- arrived
- received
- observed
- improved
- saved
After regular verbs ending with a Z sound
- advised
- buzzed
- paused
- raised
- sneezed
After regular verbs ending with an L / M / N sound
- killed
- pulled
- traveled
- claimed
- jammed
- burned
- examined
- explained
- turned
- warned
Learn more: Canceled or cancelled? Traveled or travelled?
After regular verbs ending with a vowel sound
- borrowed
- annoyed
- cried
- glued
- carried
- weighed
After regular verbs ending with a B / G / J sound
- robbed
- scrubbed
- belonged
- hugged
- arranged
- encouraged
- challenged
- judged
- managed
Let’s review how to pronounce regular verbs ending in -ED:
-ED only adds an extra syllable when after a regular verb ending with T or D:
want –> wan / ted
(1 syllable –> 2 syllables)
de / cide –> de / ci / ded
(2 syllables –> 3 syllables)
In all other cases, it does not add an extra syllable:
miss –> missed (“misst”)
(1 syllable –> 1 syllable)
re / ceive –> re / ceived
(2 syllables –> 2 syllables)
Remember, the past participles of regular verbs are the same as the simple past tense: I receive, I received, I have received.
Now you know the difference between regular and irregular verbs in English, and the correct ways to pronounce the -ED ending in the simple past tense and past participle. Make sure to download the FREE lesson PDF and audio so that you can review and practice this lesson again!
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