Alliteration is repeating the same (or similar sounds) at the beginnings of words. It is often used in poetry and music, and we also have some idiomatic expressions in English that use alliteration. Today you’ll learn 20 English expressions with alliteration:
bated breath
If you’re waiting for something with bated breath, it means you’re very anxious or excited, very eager to get or find out what you are waiting for.
We all waited with bated breath to find out who had won first place in the competition.
Describing something with the adjective cookie-cutter means it is exactly the same as others of the same type; there is nothing different about it.
I’m not a fan of that neighborhood – it’s street after street of cookie-cutter houses; there’s no diversity.
A person who is a daredevil takes dangerous risks because they enjoy the adrenaline.

father figure
A man who is NOT your father, but who you respect and admire, and who has influenced and guided your life, is a father figure.
My parents are divorced and I’ve never had much contact with my dad, but my uncle has been a father figure in my life.
gas guzzler
A car that requires a lot of gasoline and uses up gasoline quickly is a gas guzzler.

halfhearted / wholehearted
If you make a halfhearted attempt to do something, it means you don’t give it 100% of your effort.
The word wholehearted means you are 100% committed, enthusiastic, and devoted.
She made a halfhearted attempt to write a book, but she gave up after finishing a few chapters.
This political candidate has my wholehearted support.
add insult to injury
To add insult to injury means to make a bad situation even worse or more humiliating.
I was running late for a date – and then, to add insult to injury, a car drove past and splattered me with mud.
jump for joy
To jump for joy means to show great happiness and excitement.

labor of love
A labor of love is some work that you are not being paid for (or being paid very badly), but you do it because you love it, or you are doing it for someone you love.
The old woman spends hours making clothing to donate to poor children – it’s a real labor of love.
mind over matter
This idiomatic expression means that your thoughts are stronger than the physical reality.
Come on, you can do ten more push-ups… mind over matter!
neck and neck
If two competitors are neck and neck, it means that they are so close that it is hard to tell who’s winning.
The two leading presidential candidates are neck and neck; the election will be decided by just a few votes.
cost a pretty penny
If something costs a pretty penny, it means it cost a LOT of money!
They took a three-week vacation in a luxury hotel? That must have cost a pretty penny.
rave reviews
If a film, performance, CD, or product gets rave reviews, it means that people are evaluating it and saying EXCELLENT things about it.
The author’s new novel is getting rave reviews – many say it’s the best book of her career.

sorry sight
A sorry sight is something that is sad, pitiful, or unpleasant to look at.
The old abandoned cathedral is now covered in graffiti- a sorry sight.
stand the test of time
If something stands the test of time, it means it continues to work well for a long time.
They’ve been married for 50 years. Their relationship has stood the test of time.
vice versa
The expression vice versa means “the reverse of the previous statement is true, too.”
I respect him, and vice versa. (he respects me, too.)
work wonders
If something works wonders, it means it is surprisingly and amazingly beneficial.
This laundry detergent works wonders for getting stains out of clothing.
a word to the wise
This expression is used before you give an important piece of advice.
A word to the wise – don’t spend everything you earn; you should save up some money for emergencies.
Image sources: Jose Yanez, Jason Lawrence, JumpforJoyCDA