How to take this lesson:
- Take the introductory quiz
- Watch the video explanation
- Take the practice quiz
- Try the short answer exercises
This is a free sample from the 300+ English Idioms Course!
Idioms Course: Lesson 5 Introductory Quiz
Guess the correct meaning of each idiom from the context. It's OK if you get a lot of answers wrong – what’s important is to do your best in trying to figure it out!
Question 1 |
I'm leaving the office in the early afternoon so that I can beat the rush hour traffic.
"Rush hour" is...
"Rush hour" is...
A | the period of time with lots of traffic |
B | when all the cars are going too fast |
C | the lunch hour when everyone is driving to go get food |
Question 2 |
My son is having the time of his life at soccer camp - he doesn't want to come home!
If you're "having the time of your life," you are...
If you're "having the time of your life," you are...
A | practicing an important life skill |
B | really enjoying an experience |
C | staying in a place temporarily |
Question 3 |
My dog starts barking every morning at 6 AM, like clockwork.
If something happens "like clockwork," it happens...
If something happens "like clockwork," it happens...
A | exactly at regular times |
B | earlier than expected |
C | inside your house |
Question 4 |
After the earthquake, volunteers worked around the clock to bring food and water to the victims.
"Around the clock" means...
"Around the clock" means...
A | without stopping |
B | in shifts |
C | as fast as possible |
Question 5 |
Isabelle was a stay-at-home mother for almost 30 years, and now the youngest of her four children has left for college - so she has a lot of time on her hands
If you have "time on your hands," you have...
If you have "time on your hands," you have...
A | free time with nothing to do |
B | time to do productive work |
C | quiet time |
Question 6 |
When my father had a heart attack, we got him to the hospital in the nick of time. The doctor said that if we had waited 15 more minutes, he could have had serious complications.
"In the nick of time" means...
"In the nick of time" means...
A | after waiting for a long time |
B | with plenty of time to spare |
C | at the last possible moment before something bad happens |
Question 7 |
It's about time you called! We've been wondering where you were for the past hour.
If you say "it's about time" something happened, you are saying...
If you say "it's about time" something happened, you are saying...
A | it is not happening at a good time |
B | it should have already happened |
C | it is the perfect time |
Question 8 |
It's as plain as day that she's had plastic surgery - nobody's face is completely free of wrinkles at 70.
If something is "as plain as day," it's...
If something is "as plain as day," it's...
A | beautiful |
B | shocking |
C | obvious |
Question 9 |
Sorry I didn't let you know that we'd be out of town last weekend. When we saw that the weather was nice, my husband and I made a spur of the moment decision to go on a camping trip in the mountains.
"Spur of the moment" means...
"Spur of the moment" means...
A | without talking to other people |
B | suddenly and spontaneously |
C | something that could be dangerous |
Question 10 |
Sarah has been an alcoholic for years. It's only a matter of time before she develops liver problems.
If something is "only a matter of time"...
If something is "only a matter of time"...
A | it is certain to happen |
B | it will not happen for a long time |
C | it is an unfortunate consequence |
Question 11 |
I sent an e-mail to my favorite singer - and he actually wrote me back! Getting his message made my day!
If something "made your day"...
If something "made your day"...
A | it was the first time it ever happened |
B | it made you very happy |
C | it was unexpected |
Question 12 |
Although scientists have made great progress in developing treatments for cancer, we're still light-years away from curing it completely.
If something is "light-years away," it is...
If something is "light-years away," it is...
A | far in the future |
B | just a few years away |
C | probably impossible |
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Video Explanation
Idioms Course: Lesson 5 Practice Quiz
Choose the best idiom to complete each sentence!
Question 1 |
The city is building a new highway to help reduce traffic jams _______________________.
A | around the clock |
B | during rush hour |
C | in the nick of time |
Question 2 |
Every time there's a snowstorm, my grandmother calls to ask if I'm OK - ____________________.
A | like clockwork |
B | light-years away |
C | having the time of my life |
Question 3 |
He spends hours on Facebook commenting on every single photo and post - I think he has too much _______________.
A | clockwork |
B | spur of the moment |
C | time on his hands |
Question 4 |
The police gathered a lot of evidence from the crime scene. It's __________________ before they find the culprit.
A | only a matter of time |
B | the time of their life |
C | a lot of time on their hands |
Question 5 |
You arrived _______________ - we were about to leave without you.
A | like clockwork |
B | about time |
C | in the nick of time |
Question 6 |
Jerry was in critical condition after the accident; he needed _______________ care.
A | around-the-clock |
B | rush hour |
C | clockwork |
Question 7 |
The government passed a law guaranteeing equal salaries for men and women. ________________ this country took some steps towards equality!
A | It's light-years away |
B | It made my day |
C | It's about time |
Question 8 |
A tattoo is something you'll have for life - you shouldn't make the decision to get one __________________.
A | as plain as day |
B | on the spur of the moment |
C | only a matter of time |
Question 9 |
Sheila does terrible work. It's _____________ that she only got the job because her father is the president of the company.
A | about time |
B | just a question of time |
C | as plain as day |
Question 10 |
I have a co-worker who's impossible to work with. _________________ when I found out he's being transferred to another department!
A | It made my day |
B | It was the time of my life |
C | It's only a matter of time |
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Short-Answer Exercises
2-3 sentences each. Try to use each idiom in your answer.
1) What is something in your life that happens like clockwork?
2) Have you ever made a spur of the moment decision?
3) Have you ever had a problem or emergency that was resolved in the nick of time?
4) What do you do when you have a lot of time on your hands?
5) When was the last time something made your day?
Send in your short answers for correction!