English idioms with time expressions

How to take this lesson:

  1. Take the introductory quiz
  2. Watch the video explanation
  3. Take the practice quiz
  4. Try the short answer exercises

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Idioms Course: Lesson 5 Introductory Quiz

Guess the correct meaning of each idiom from the context. It's OK if you get a lot of answers wrong – what’s important is to do your best in trying to figure it out!

Video Explanation

Idioms Course: Lesson 5 Practice Quiz

Choose the best idiom to complete each sentence!

Short-Answer Exercises

2-3 sentences each. Try to use each idiom in your answer.

1) What is something in your life that happens like clockwork?

2) Have you ever made a spur of the moment decision?

3) Have you ever had a problem or emergency that was resolved in the nick of time?

4) What do you do when you have a lot of time on your hands?

5) When was the last time something made your day?

Send in your short answers for correction!


This is a free sample lesson from the 300+ English Idioms Course!

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