How well do you know English prepositions? Take the preposition quiz to find out! Choose the correct preposition to complete each sentence, or choose — if no preposition is necessary.
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Question 1 |
You can't leave the restaurant without paying ___ your meal.
A | into |
B | for |
C | after |
Question 2 |
The teacher explained the exercise ___ us.
A | about |
B | to |
C | --- |
Question 3 |
Nicole frequently travels ___ Europe on business.
A | to |
B | at |
C | for |
Question 4 |
I might go to the party. It depends ___ what time I get home from work.
A | on |
B | in |
C | of |
Question 5 |
What are you talking ___?
A | to |
B | with |
C | about |
Question 6 |
Vincent does great work. He should ask his boss ___ a raise.
A | to |
B | of |
C | for |
Question 7 |
Paula is looking ___ a new job.
A | --- |
B | at |
C | for |
Question 8 |
I've been waiting ___ the bus for 20 minutes.
A | --- |
B | at |
C | for |
Question 9 |
He doesn't agree ___ his girlfriend about politics.
A | to |
B | with |
C | on |
Question 10 |
My wife asked me ___ wash all the dishes after dinner.
A | to |
B | --- |
C | for |
Question 11 |
He gave ___ her an expensive perfume for her birthday.
A | --- |
B | to |
C | for |
Question 12 |
I'm writing ___ ask for some information about trips to Florida.
A | --- |
B | for |
C | to |
Question 13 |
Who were you talking ___ on the phone?
A | --- |
B | to |
C | for |
Question 13 Explanation:
It's also possible to use "with"
Question 14 |
I heard ___ you broke up with your boyfriend - is it true?
A | about |
B | --- |
C | of |
Question 14 Explanation:
It's also possible to use "that" - "I heard that you broke up with your boyfriend - is it true?"
Question 15 |
They apologized ___ Jan for being late.
A | from |
B | to |
C | with |
Question 16 |
George told ___ me about the changes in the company.
A | --- |
B | for |
C | to |
Question 17 |
My daughter won first place in a poetry competition - I'm so proud ___ her!
A | --- |
B | about |
C | of |
Question 18 |
I like listening ___ classical music.
A | of |
B | ---- |
C | to |
Question 19 |
Do you remember ___ the first time you swam in the ocean?
A | --- |
B | from |
C | about |
Question 20 |
She thinks ___ this textbook is better than the old one.
A | --- |
B | of |
C | about |
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