Listen to this telephone message and take the quiz below to test your understanding. There are two listening options: fast (for intermediate to advanced students) and slow (for beginner to pre-intermediate students).
Tip: When spelling a word over the phone, many English speakers clarify the letters like this:
- “F” as in “favorite”
- “D” as in “dark”
- “P” as in “purple”
Listen for these in the phone message, they will help you!
Telephone English: Spelling names and places
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Your answers are highlighted below.
Question 1 |
Where did the caller see the advertisement?
A | In a newspaper. |
B | On the internet. |
C | In a magazine. |
Question 2 |
How long is the course?
A | One year |
B | One week |
C | One month |
Question 3 |
What is the number of the caller's house?
A | 3264 |
B | 3254 |
C | 4254 |
Question 4 |
What's the street name?
A | Sicamori Street |
B | Sycamore Street |
C | Sycanore Street |
Question 5 |
What's the apartment number?
A | 817 |
B | 871 |
C | 718 |
Question 6 |
What's the city and state?
A | Newcastle, New York |
B | Mewcastle, New York |
C | Newcasdle, New York |
Question 7 |
What's the ZIP code (postal code)?
A | 10769 |
B | 11706 |
C | 10796 |
Question 8 |
What's the caller's first name?
A | Ariama |
B | Ariana |
C | Aryana |
Question 9 |
What's the caller's last name?
A | Lombardi |
B | Lombardy |
C | Londardi |
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