Listen to this telephone message and take the quiz below to test your understanding. There are two listening options: fast (for intermediate to advanced students) and slow (for beginner to pre-intermediate students).
Telephone English: Voicemail from a friend
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Your answers are highlighted below.
Question 1 |
What did the study group change?
A | the time |
B | the place |
C | the day |
Question 2 |
When is the study group going to meet?
A | On Saturday |
B | On Wednesday |
C | On Sunday |
Question 3 |
What was the original meeting place?
A | The library |
B | The café |
C | The classroom |
Question 4 |
Where is the café?
A | On Forest Avenue |
B | On the corner of Oceanview Street and Forest Avenue |
C | On Oceanview Street |
Question 5 |
What is the café next to?
A | A Chinese supermarket |
B | A Chinese restaurant |
C | The Japanese consulate |
Question 6 |
What time will the meeting end?
A | 4:30 |
B | 5:00 |
C | 6:00 |
Question 7 |
Why can't Jen arrive on time?
A | Because she's always late |
B | Because of basketball practice |
C | Because she's taking a test |
Question 8 |
What's Joe's phone number?
A | 326-847-1219 |
B | 327-846-1209 |
C | 326-874-0219 |
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