Vocabulary Builder 1: Further study

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Option #1: Vocabulary Builder Course – Level 2

Take Vocabulary Builder – Level 2 to continue your learning! The second level of the Vocabulary Builder follows a similar format as the first level, but with new and more advanced vocabulary.

Here are some sample lessons:

Option #2: 1000 English Collocations E-Book

In Vocabulary Builder Level 1, you learned a lot of the most essential words for daily life – and a good way to continue expanding your vocabulary is to learn the typical collocations (combinations of words) that native speakers use often.

This will also help you avoid making mistakes or putting words together in ways that don’t “sound right.” The 1000 Collocations E-Book will help you use your vocabulary more naturally.

Option #3: Espresso English Academy (50% Discount)

You can get ALL my courses and e-books (more than 600 total lessons) at a 50% discount – and you can apply your credit from all the courses & e-books you’ve already bought to reduce the price even further.

Just e-mail me if you’d like to do this, and I’ll send you a special link.

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