English Vocabulary: Animals and their Young

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Vocabulary Builder Course

a young dog = puppy

English Vocabulary: Animals
Image: Sigismund von Dobschütz

a young cat = kitten

English Vocabulary Words: Animals
Image: Krzysztof P. Jasiutowicz (Kpjas)

a young bear, lion, tiger, or wolf = cub

English Vocabulary Words: Animals

a young bird = chick

English Vocabulary Words: Animals
Image: fir0002 | flagstaffotos.com.au

a young duck = duckling


English Vocabulary Words: Animals
Image: Ks.mini

Learn more: English Vocabulary Words for Birds

a young pig = piglet

English Vocabulary Words: Animals

a young horse = foal

English Vocabulary Words: Animals
Image: Kumana @ Wild Equines

a young deer = fawn

English Vocabulary Words: Animals
Image: Guillom

a young sheep = lamb

English Vocabulary Words: Animals
Image: Mick Lobb from geograph.org.uk

a young goat = kid

English Vocabulary Words: Animals
Image: Berit from Redhill/Surrey, UK

a young frog = tadpole

English Vocabulary Words: Animals
Images: Kabir Bakie / Dawson

a young butterfly = caterpillar

English Vocabulary Words: Animals
The butterfly is on top of the leaf, and the caterpillar is under it. Image: David DeHetre

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