English word of the day: PENCHANT

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Hello, hello! Today’s word of the day is penchant. Try repeating it after me: PEN-chant. Penchant.

A penchant is a strong inclination or liking of something. You’ll typically see this in the phrase someone has a penchant for (an interest or activity), meaning they tend to do or they tend to be attracted to that thing. When it comes to books and TV shows, I have a penchant for science fiction, I really tend to enjoy or prefer that type of topic.

Maybe you have a penchant for classical art as opposed to modern art, or you have a penchant for dating people who are very spontaneous and funny, in contrast to more serious personality types. Someone could have a penchant for team sports, and someone else could have a penchant for individual sports. It’s what they tend to prefer strongly.

Now penchant can mean both an attraction towards something you enjoy or like, or it can mean an inclination or something you tend to do (whether positive or negative). So someone could also have a penchant for violence or a penchant for criticizing others; it’s behavior that they tend to do often.

What are a few things that you, your friends, or family members have a penchant for? Try to write a few sentences using today’s word of the day. Thanks for watching and I’ll talk to you tomorrow!


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