How does it feel to be fluent?

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When you’re learning a language, it’s common to feel sad about your progress.

You want to become fluent… but it seems like that goal is so far away!

If you hear an expression that you don’t know, or have difficulty understanding a fast conversation, it’s easy to lose confidence in your abilities.

You might think negative thoughts like “My English is so bad.”

You might wonder, “Will I ever become fluent in English, or is it impossible for me?”

Let me tell you about my language-learning experience…

My language-learning story

I remember when I was learning Portuguese, and I was at about an intermediate level. I could communicate OK in daily life, but I still felt limited.

Although I was an adult, I felt more like a child because I could only express simple ideas. I was shy because I knew my speaking wasn’t perfect.

It made me hesitate to participate in conversations and social events, because I couldn’t express all my thoughts or show my true personality.

Have you ever felt limited by your English?

I’m here to tell you NOT to lose hope!

Here’s the rest of my story:

Now, years later, I’m pretty fluent in Portuguese. It took a long time and lots of practice, but finally I’m completely comfortable in the language.

I’ve been on job interviews, given presentations, gone on romantic dates, had a great time socializing at parties, and more – totally confident in my language abilities.

So, what does fluency feel like?

Fluency in a language = Freedom

You’ll be free to express ALL your thoughts, in exactly the way you want to say them.

You’ll be free to make jokes, talk with new people, understand TV shows, and speak in important or stressful situations… WITHOUT being embarrassed or worrying about making mistakes.

You can feel totally “at home” when traveling/living in an English-speaking country or when chatting with native speakers.

I can tell you from my experience… fluency feels great! 🙂

So… what’s the best way to become fluent?

I DON’T believe there’s a “best method” or “secret formula” to becoming fluent.

But I DO believe that it’s possible for every student… with time and practice!

One great way to improve your fluency is by getting my Espresso English Academy, which includes 600+ lessons in all the areas of English.

The lessons cover speaking, listening, vocabulary, phrasal verbs, grammar, common errors, slang and idioms, and much more. This means you’ll learn many aspects of the English language. All of them are necessary for fluency!

Are you ready to invest in your English fluency?

Here’s the good news:

If you bought all these courses individually, the total would be more than $600.

But with the 50% discount, you get everything for $297.

That’s hundreds of lessons… enough to keep you studying for months and months! When you join, you’ll get permanent access to all 600+ lessons, so there’s no time limit for accessing the courses.

Sometimes students ask me: “Will your Espresso English Academy make me fluent?”

Here’s the truth:

Becoming fluent in English is a very long-term process.

It requires years of dedicated study, and there is no instant solution, special course, or magic learning method that can guarantee fluency.

This is why I never claim that my Espresso English Academy will “guarantee” fluency in English. There is NO program, course, or teacher that can promise such a thing.

However, the Espresso English Academy WILL help you make a lot of progress in your journey towards fluency, because it has courses and e-books that will help you improve all the areas of your English!

So if you’re interested in joining…

Click here to learn more and sign up

(You can also click here for free samples, and click here for answers to common questions)

If it’s not possible for you to buy anything right now, that’s OK, too, because you’re going to learn a lot from the free lessons and tips that I publish on YouTube, Facebook, and the Espresso English blog.

I want to see you succeed in becoming fluent in English, and I hope my lessons can help you in that process!

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