1. Oops, sorry. / Sorry about that.
Say these phrases for very small accidents and mistakes, like when you step on someone’s foot.
2. I’m sorry for… / I’m sorry that… / I apologize for…
Say these phrases to apologize for specific bad things you did. The last one is more formal.
“I’m sorry that I yelled at you last night.”
3. It was my fault.
Say this phrase to accept your responsibility for the mistake.
4. I’m so sorry. / I’m really sorry.
These phrases express stronger regret for a more serious mistake.
5. I should have… / I shouldn’t have…
Use these phrases to say what you wish you had done differently in the past.
“I’m sorry – I should have called and told you I’d be late.”
6. We deeply regret / Please accept our apologies
These phrases are more formal, and are typically used in business letters.
“Please accept our apologies for the delay in delivering your order.”
Learn more: 10 phrases for apologizing and responding to apologies