Advanced Words: English Vocabulary Quiz

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Advanced Vocabulary & Collocations Course

Learn advanced English words to speak more fluently! Take the quiz to see if you know this advanced vocabulary.

I’m not going to just tell you their definitions… instead, you’ll try to figure out what these advanced words mean, based on an example sentence.

I’ll show you a sentence with the advanced vocabulary word and give you three choices for what it means. Try to choose the correct answer – then click the “Get Results” button at the bottom of the quiz to see if you guessed the right definition for each advanced word.

If you like the advanced English vocabulary in this lesson and you want to learn over 1000 more advanced words, check out my Advanced Vocabulary and Collocations Course.

These amazing English lessons will teach you advanced vocabulary words and how to put them together naturally, so that you can reach a higher level of English fluency.

Can you understand these 10 advanced English vocabulary words?

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Your answers are highlighted below.
Question 1
The hacker was able to circumvent all the security measures and gain access to the company’s private computer server. Circumvent means...
avoid or go around
completely ignore
fight against or resist
Question 1 Explanation: 
Another example would be if you’re driving and there’s an accident blocking the highway, you might take an alternative route to circumvent, to get around, the slow traffic.
Question 2
This job doesn’t offer much opportunity to exercise my creativity; it’s mostly mundane administrative tasks. Mundane means...
slow or time-consuming
Question 2 Explanation: 
Things that are mundane are common, ordinary, there’s nothing special or interesting about them.
Question 3
You can’t just drop off your kids at your sister’s house without warning and expect her to watch them the whole weekend – that’s ludicrousLudicrous means...
Question 3 Explanation: 
If something is ludicrous, it’s so ridiculous that it’s shocking or hard to believe. It can also have the connotation of being stupid or idiotic.
Question 4
The student entreated the teacher to give him more time on the assignment, but she stayed firm on the deadline. Entreated means...
asked earnestly
Question 4 Explanation: 
If you entreat someone, you beg them, you ask with a lot of sincere emotion. Entreat is a verb and the noun form for the request itself is “an entreaty” – so you could say “She ignored my entreaty for forgiveness.”
Question 5
When I traveled to the far north last summer, it was rather disconcerting to see the sun still up at 10PM. I had a hard time getting to sleep. Disconcerting means...
Question 5 Explanation: 
Something that’s disconcerting causes you to feel a little strange, worried, or upset. Some people love crazy roller coasters, while others find the sensation of being upside down to be disconcerting.
Question 6
The robot equipment doesn’t actually perform the surgery; it just augments the surgeon’s skill and precision. Augments means...
makes apparent
makes greater
makes faster
Question 6 Explanation: 
To augment is to cause something that is already big or well-developed to become even greater. Some people lift weights to get big muscles AND take vitamins or supplements to augment their physique, to make their body even better than it already is.
Question 7
Even through the darkest times in my life, I always managed to hold onto a vestige of hope that everything would be OK. Vestige means...
good feeling
small amount
unusual idea
Question 7 Explanation: 
A vestige is a small amount and often a small remaining amount, when there used to be more of something but now there’s only a tiny bit. If you wash your dishes in a hurry, there might still be vestiges of food, tiny traces of food, remaining; you haven’t removed it completely.
Question 8
As a manager, you shouldn’t give all the fun projects to just one of your employees – that could be construed as favoritism. Construed means...
Question 8 Explanation: 
Construe means to interpret or understand, often something that is not directly obvious or definite so you need to use your interpretation. If you interpret the situation wrong, then you have misconstrued it – mistakenly understood it.
Question 9
It will take quite a long time to reform the system and get rid of the corruption that permeates the government. Permeates means...
completely fills
exists secretly
makes ineffective
Question 9 Explanation: 
Another example would be when the delicious smell of baking bread permeates the kitchen; it completely fills up the area.
Question 10
Almost every media outlet has its own bias and agenda; there’s a dearth of honest, factual reporting these days. Dearth means...
unfortunate end
Question 10 Explanation: 
When there’s a dearth of something, there’s a lack; it could be the complete absence of something or simply a short supply, not enough.
Once you are finished, click the button below. Any items you have not completed will be marked incorrect. Get Results
There are 10 questions to complete.

How many of these advanced English words were you able to guess?

I hope you enjoyed the quiz and learned some new words today.

Again, if you want to augment your vocabulary fast – make it even greater – come join my Advanced Vocabulary and Collocations Course, because the lessons inside are packed with advanced English words!

Here’s what students say about the Advanced Vocabulary & Collocations course:

“Absolutely fantastic course. A lot of new words. Amazing.”
– Mr. Z.

“You gave us such a profound look at the language, its structure, and peculiarities. This educational journey was truly enjoyable and engrossing!”
– Ksenia

“I liked that you divided the vocabulary into different sections based on specific topics, and how you gave direct instructions about how we could practice every day. I was able to learn a lot of new words!”
– Maria

I hope to see you in the course!

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