An idiom is a word or phrase with a meaning that is different from the actual words. Read the example sentences in the quiz and then choose the best answer for the meaning of each idiom. Good luck!
Common English Idioms Quiz 2
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Question 1 |
on the wrong side of the tracks = _______________________
A | in a violent home |
B | in a bad neighborhood |
C | without any toys to play with |
Question 2 |
sitting on the fence = ____________________
A | when a person doesn't want to make a decision |
B | when a person wants to run for president |
C | when a person doesn't want to vote in an election |
Question 3 |
on the ball = ____________________________
A | well-informed and up-to-date |
B | smart and quick |
C | dedicated |
Question 4 |
a dime a dozen = _______________
A | very typical of a certain place |
B | very cheap |
C | very common, easy to find |
Question 5 |
feeling under the weather = ________________________
A | feeling a little sick |
B | feeling anti-social |
C | thinking it's going to rain |
Question 6 |
the best of both worlds = ______________________________
A | a house in a great location |
B | many different activities to enjoy |
C | all the advantages |
Question 7 |
in the nick of time = ______________________
A | very quickly |
B | at the very last moment |
C | at the end of the movie |
Question 8 |
"No, but I heard it on the grapevine."
heard it on the grapevine = _______________________
A | heard it through the telephone |
B | heard it indirectly or through other people |
C | heard it on the news |
Question 9 |
draw the line = _____________________________
A | don't want to do |
B | establish a limit |
C | don't think it's fair |
Question 10 |
giving (him/her) a taste of (his/her) own medicine = ________________________
A | losing a friendship with a person because they don't stay in contact |
B | not speaking to a person |
C | doing something bad to another person because they did something bad to you |