Who is the SUBJECT of the verb.
The subject performs the action:
- Who ate the last piece of pizza?
who = subject
ate = verb - The students who failed the test will need extra help.
the students / who = subject
failed = verb
Whom is the OBJECT of the verb.
The object receives the action:
- Bob gave the money to whom?
Bob = subject
gave = verb
money = direct object
whom = indirect object
Whom is always used after a PREPOSITION.
- My three brothers, one of whom is a doctor, live in New York.
(of = preposition) - With whom did you go to the movies?
(with = preposition) - That’s the employee at whom I yelled.
(at = preposition) - I no longer speak to the person from whom I got this gift.
(from = preposition)
In spoken English, we often use “who” not “whom,” and end sentences with prepositions…
even when it is technically incorrect:
- Who did Bob give the money to?
- Who did you go to the movies with?
- That’s the employee who I yelled at.
- I no longer speak to the person who I got this gift from.